Regarding search engine optimization (SEO) I will most likely be updating this page frequently or adding addition web pages to discuss finer points of this topic. I intend to answer questions such as:
What should you do to prepare your website for the search engines before you acutally launch your website.
Which are the most important aspects of your page when it comes to building your site.
Where keywords should go, and what percentage of your page should be your keywords. Keyword frequency.
What keywords you should target for your website and why.
Should you use advertising platforms such as google's adwords and why.
How the different search engines view your web pages and how you can prepare you site for each engine.
What HTML Tags to use when creating your site.
What web languages should you use when creating your site.
What is a link exchange and are they a good idea.
What guidelines to follow for the content of your site.
What graphics techniques to use to increase ranking.
And more to be added later.
Preparing your website for the web.
The first things you need to think about before your site even goes live. This will be the first SEO Discussion as it is your first concern when creating a website for your online presence.
For more information on search engine optimization return to my home page.